In June last, having formed the acquaintance of Mr. T—, a Christian Scientist of this city, I asked him to undertake the case of a near and dear relative who had been suffering for some years from intermittent attacks of internal inflammation and serious complications threatening her life. It would serve no useful purpose to describe the various symptoms of this most distressing case; let it suffice to say, the sufferer had been given up as past all human aid by one of New York's most expensive Fifth Avenue specialists; and two other medical men of high standing who are considered among the most accomplished of their class in" connection with the diseases of women. She pulled through on that occasion, but had a relapse and was removed from the city to the purer atmosphere of New York Bay, and after that, to her native country, Canada. Here for awhile she improved, but the attacks soon returned, although in not so violent a form, and doctor after doctor was called, none of whom were able to do more than administer temporary remedies. The doctors and their bills in the case amounted to over $3,000.
The first Christian Science treatment given had a most remarkable effect. The patient that night enjoyed a tranquil sleep, the first perfect night's rest for years. From that on the change was marked. She had two or three treatments, and all the mental and physical distress from which she had so long been suffering for years without hope of relief, melted away, one symptom after another, like snow before the spring sunlight.
Drugs to which she was obliged to have almost daily recourse in one form or another, were banished; and the only attacks she ever experiences now are transient reminders that she is not sufficiently advanced in Christian Science to insure immunity from the ills that humanity, outside Christian Science, is heir to.