For fifteen years I had been a sufferer from periodical attacks of sick headache; these attacks as years passed on became more frequent and of greater severity and would stay by me from twenty-four to forty-eight hours. I had tried the skill of physicians too numerous to mention. The last one who undertook to cure me administered morphine hypodermically so frequently, that it was only a very short time before I became a victim of the "morphine addiction"
I can never express the humiliation that overcame me when I discovered this state of things, and after increasing the doses until demanding at least ten grains of the drug per day, I hastily left home for a sanitarium where they claimed to cure.
At the end of two weeks I was discharged as cured; but words can never express the intense agony I underwent after my arrival at home; and with it a return of the sick headaches in far greater severity than ever before. This condition of things continued until it was only a question of a return to morphine or suicide.