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From the December 1897 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Clinton Daily Herald

First Church of Christ, Scientist, has added another church edifice to the many that already give grace and dignity to Clinton's broad avenues. It is located between Third and Fourth Streets on Third Avenue, and faces Clinton Park.

The building is painted white, and is particularly noticeable because of its numerous windows on all sides, making it one of the best-lighted audience-rooms in the city. Thirty pews of the latest design occupy the body of the church. They are of oak, finished in the natural wood, and have curved backs and improved seats, making them very comfortable, a great improvement over ordinary pews.

The floor is covered with a carpet of pretty design, scattered around the room are potted palms and chrysanthemums. Near the platform stands a handsome piano finished in curly maple. Two pulpits of oak stand on the platform finished in a design to match the pews. Resting on the pulpits is a beautiful design of roses and chrysanthemums, with a snow-white dove hovering over them an olive-branch in his bill. The dove signifies the peace and love coming from God, while the branch of olive represents the Christian Scientists bringing health and happiness into the world. On the wall back of the desks is a picture of Mrs. Eddy, the Founder of Christian Science. Written in letters of gold on the wall are the words, "God is Love."

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