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From the December 1897 issue of The Christian Science Journal

"Will a man rob God?" Yes, mortal man will transgress the spiritual import of any or all of the Ten Commandments to appear wise in his own estimation and fair in his own eyes; to make a covenant with the subtle error that reigns in unconscious self.

Our Sunday service is so exalted in the heart of every faithful follower, every loving disciple who has followed, even afar off, this marvellous demonstration of God's chosen Leader and Teacher, that it seems as if all must come into this service with joy and thanksgiving, bringing their tithes with them. A view of the held, however, shows that not all are found in loving service, but that in nearly every place a certain few claiming to be interested in Christian Science, nay, more, claiming to be Christian Scientists, are withholding everything within their power from the Sabbath service. Years of patient work and God-like demonstration on the part of our beloved Leader, have at last made this service possible, and anything that would prevent our taking a part therein, obedient to the pattern shown us in the Mount, is so manifest an error, so undisguised an attempt of the adversary, that even the least in the understanding of the signs of the times can hardly plead ignorance as an excuse for having acted upon the serpent-suggestion: "Do not attend the service, but stay at home and study the lesson by yourself:"

Self makes a poor foundation-stone in this instance, and though one studied by himself twenty-four hours in a day, and seven days in a week, he would not fulfil the duties, or enter into the privilege of Sunday worship, given through the inspiration of Truth and Love, and revealed in our present order of service. Over-zeal in one direction cannot hide our lack in another, or make the balance swing even in God's sight. "These ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone," is still the rebuke of the Master.

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