The following are the demonstrations of children of Berlin, Ontario: —
Dean, four years old, dropped his "candy buzzer" out of the car window. His face made up for a good hard cry. "Would they go back for it?" he said. "They couldn't and reach Toronto on time, dear," I said, and the next instant mentally declared: "nothing has been lost, Love is everpresent." Instantly with the tears rolling down his face he said with the brighest of smiles and love-light in his eyes: "P'raps some little boy will find it." Truly we give when receiving, and receive when giving. Later a cinder in his eye caused him to cry out lustily for two seconds, and the eye was very red. I said: "Don't cry, but work." He stopped instantly, put his face in my lap, and there was quietness for a few moments. When he lifted his head my lap was wet with his tears and the sense of inflammation had gone. His face was calm and thoughtful for a while, then he looked up into my face and said, "I did work, Miss D——, and—bump—my eye was well." "What did you declare, Dean?" "I said, "Love is everywhere, so error can't come round.' "
Carl, coming in from his play, declares, "I've got a pain in my stomach!" "What is mortal mind telling you is the reason of that?" I said. "Something I've eaten; but the truth is, it's the quarrel I had with Mira." He had uncovered the error, and this must have caused it to be destroyed also, for he went about his play looking very happy.