When I read in the October Journal the testimony entitled, "A Voice from the Old Granite State," I was aroused to a sense of my ingratitude in not giving to the Journal what Christian Science has done for me.
I am sure that but for the glorious Truth as revealed through Christian Science, there would be one vacant chair in my home. The little child referred to in the above named article, was my boy, now eight years old. At the age of two and one half years, while visiting in Boston, he was taken sick, with acute Bright's disease. After great suffering for eight weeks and a consultation of doctors, he apparently recovered and came home to Manchester. In a few weeks, the claim again asserted itself, which was in the form of dropsy, with excessive bloating; he would recover from one attack only to have another in a few weeks. The doctors now pronounced it chronic Bright's disease and incurable. I could not feel resigned to this decree and turned to everything for help. We employed seven different physicians of both schools, ending with a magnetic healer, and then a spiritualist. About this time, through a young woman who came to work for me, I heard of Christian Science, and she loaned me Science and Health. I read it eagerly, but could not seem to grasp its meaning, and yet a little glimmer of hope seemed to revive within me.
I could not leave my boy alone, so the leader here in Christian Science came and talked with me. I was impressed with her loving, compassionate words, and felt immediately, that her God was more loving than the one I looked to for help. I believed that the life of my child depended on God's willingness to spare him to me. "Why, then," said the dear woman, "do you dose him? If God is not willing he should live, can medicine save him?" I pondered these words many days, and then put him under her care for treatment. He improved from the first; but to mortal sense, the healing was slow, and many obstacles presented themselves. During the treatment he had the measles, and the doctors had said he would not live through this disease.