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From the November 1898 issue of The Christian Science Journal

1. Does adherence to Christian Science necessitate a belief in the divinity of Christ? 2. And if it be not asking too much, give me the fundamental doctrines of the Christian Science faith.

1. The name would indicate that it did. 2. "Besides the belief respecting God, the Scriptures, man's sinfulness, the atonement, redemption through the suffering of Christ, the forgiveness of sins, etc., it hold as a distinctive tenet that the way of salvation demonstrated by Jesus is the power of truth over all error, sin, sickness, and death; and it exacts from its adherents a promise to pray for that mind to be in them which was in Christ Jesus. Connected with this doctrine is a healing system based upon the theory that all is Mind, without which matter is unreal and non-existent."

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