As we look back over the struggles and sufferings of mankind, we wonder there has not been a greater effort made to understand why God's promises were not verified, and that apparently so little search has been made for the solution of this mystery. Here and there some aching heart has cried out to God, but has not always heard the answer, and many times no answer came, for the seeker did not know how to find Him; but the world, as a whole, has seemed strangely apathetic on this most important subject, for when these promises shall be fulfilled, as they surely will be, the whole earth will be transformed and filled with the glory of God.
The Scriptures are full of the most glorious promises, but there is always a price to be paid by man before he can receive the reward. First, he has his own part to perform, he must first prove his own worthiness. Neither money nor a pleasing personality can influence the divine power, since God is no respecter of persons, and trustworthiness alone will receive the seal of His approval.
It seems strange that people could read the Bible as much as they have, and yet remain in darkness in regard to the absolute necessity of complying with the spiritual law of Life, the divine law of loving God supremely and one's neighbor as one's self. Throughout the Bible it is clearly shown that we must turn away from material things and seek the spiritual or real existence of man. And how beautiful are the promises which accompany these demands of divine law. They are too numerous to quote here, but they include every good thing—freedom from sin, deliverance in time of trouble and from the evil-doer, wisdom, peace of mind, joy, health, plenty, and, in fact, every desirable thing in this world, and to these is added the greatest of all, Eternal Life.