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From the November 1898 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Weeks have passed since I forwarded to the Clerk of the Mother Church, integrals of this article. Changing currents moving the weather vane, Church meetings, amendment of Rules, items nameless, have delayed the publication of the following notice written last August:—

All true Christian Scientists, loyal in spirit and in Truth, whether they have become thus by studying my works on Christian Science or by class instruction, who bring with them the credentials required of a candidate for membership with the Mother Church, are eligible to apply to the Christian Science Board of Education for examination. After passing the process of examination specified in the Church Manual —and the Board has adjudged these candidates as qualified for the high responsibilities of teaching Christian Science— they shall receive a certificate thereof from the Board of Education.

Students of the Massachusetts Metaphysical College with certificates of the degree of C.S.B. and C.S.D. are not required to be examined, and do not apply to this Board.

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