In comparing the Old and New Testaments, it is very pleasing to me to note how much more love is manifested in the New than in the Old Testament. The fourth chapter of the First Epistle of John is very helpful and beautiful, and is one of my favorite Bible readings, because therein is love made very plain; hence it is a chapter well adapted to all Christian Scientists, and of course to me. I delight in taking a little time to-day to meditate upon the word "love," and to carry it through my thought.
Love! How beautiful that word sounds, and how beautiful it really is. St. John tells us "God is Love." Carrying the thought of love in our daily doings, the day is full of good deeds, and of good returns, for of course we know that "Love is reflected in love." The word love always brings to me the thought of purity, goodness, holiness, God; because while the thought dwells on love it makes the body manifest health, strength, energy, gentleness, goodness, and all that is in that line. Just so when love enters into the conversation it purifies it; prevents evil from entering into it, and broadens its borders, giving us range to go further into the holiness of good, developing in us that which the mortal mind is entirely deficient in,—the way to manifest love; opening our understanding of God as Love, and showing us that man, in Christian Science, is governed, sustained, guided, protected by, and filled full of, Love,—since "God is Love," the "All-in-all," the "centre and circumference of all being."
What was it that enabled our beloved Leader and Mother, the Rev. Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, the Way-shower, under God, to bring to this and future generations the sure remedy for all ills, to teach thousands of her students how to administer that holy remedy; how to discern the real from the unreal, Truth from error, and, best of all, how to save thousands of men and women from themselves,—from disease in suffering, in sickness, and in sin? Why, Love. Love did it all, and is doing it still, and will continue to do what people call wonders, because Love is mighty. By the brief history we have of her life, we who really know Mrs. Eddy, can plainly see that she has been seeking after love from her earliest recollections, having been lovingly obedient to her earthly parents, which is the fulfilling of the first commandment with promise. As for those who have known her in her home life, in her College, in her daily duties, in her friendship for the poor and needy as well as for the rich, they can testify if they will (I am sure I can), that her every thought, word, and deed is a manifestation of that Love which fills the Universe of Good. I feel well satisfied that only those who love her, and are willing to strive to be obedient to her teachings, can, even in the smallest degree, testify of the mighty love that fills her every thought. Yet she can be very serious in pointing the way to the erring one, as I myself know very well, to my good; and, oh, how glorious is the future of all those who will follow her teachings, "drink of the bitter cup," and master with love the "fiery darts of the devil."