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From the September 1898 issue of The Christian Science Journal

This article was later republished in The First Church of Christ, Scientist and Miscellany: My. 184:7-186:15

Sunday, August 7, there was dedicated a beautiful little Christian Science Chapel near the White Mountain House, in the heart of the White Mountains of New Hampshire.

A year previously a number of Christian Scientists who were guests at this delightful summer hotel set in motion the movement which resulted in the erection of this novel little church edifice. It is delightfully situated in one of the most charming valleys of the White Mountain region. The building is light and airy, simply but beautifully finished in spruce interiorly, and having a rustic external appearance. It is furnished with comfortable folding chairs and has a seating capacity of nearly two hundred.

It is destined, no doubt, to become a favorite place of worship for Christian Scientists and others who yearly make their way to the charming mountain resorts in its vicinity. On the occasion of the dedication there were two services held, one at 10.30 a.m., and the other at 3 p.m. At both services the chapel was filled to repletion, some standing. In the evening the service was repeated in the dining-room of the hotel for the benefit of the help who were deprived of the privilege of attending during the day. A beautiful and Christianly act, truly.

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