Christian Science first came to my notice through the healing of a dear sister in Oakland, California, who wrote me that she had been healed without medicine. I feared that it was not according to Scripture, but I read and re-read her loving letters in which she was trying to show me that to heal without material medicine was in accordance with the teachings of Jesus Christ, and did agree with the Bible.
I was a great sufferer with organic diseases, having had several operations, and "suffered many things of many physicians." I was then taking medicine eight times a day, besides several other kinds of treatment, all prescribed by physicians. My eyes were very poor, but after reading my sister's third letter my eyesight became suddenly good. Her healer sent me a Journal which I read. One evening my husband said, "Now don't use your remedies to-night, but read that Journal;" suggesting that he had noticed that whenever I read the Journal, I rested better. I did so, and rested well. I then commenced to lay aside my remedies, and to gain strength. That Journal did more for me than all the doctors and drugs in the world could have done; and I now think of it as God's message to me. About that time my sister sent me a copy of Science and Health. I thought since she had paid three dollars and eighteen cents for it, I ought to read it and see what I could get out of it, and I commenced to study its pages carefully. When I came to many things I could not understand, I said, "Well, I could not write this book, so I will not criticise it." I gained so that I was able to do my housework, which I had not been able to do in a long time.
A kind neighbor who knew of my years of suffering said to me, "It is wonderful that you can work and be so well. Do you ever pray to see if it is right to study Christian Science?" I answered that I did, and I felt sad to think that one who had seen me, when all the doctors and drugs did not give me one night of rest, should even doubt that the healing of Christian Science is of God.