Christian Science was sought by me for the physical healing, as I had been a great sufferer for twelve years, and had become a physical wreck through disease, and a slave to materia medica. About ten months before I went to see my healer and teacher, two of the most reputable M. D.'s of this city, after a series of examinations lasting several weeks, pronounced my case incurable, and said that I could not possibly live more than twelve months. That made me very miserable, and I was greatly depressed. Then my dear mother passed away, and the grief her loss occasioned only made my mental and physical condition more deplorable. I heard of Christian Science some time before going to it, but on account of my ecclesiastical belief I refused to investigate, and hence failed to recognize and accept the Light that sets the captive free. My physical suffering and wretchedness continued until I did investigate, and then, oh, what peace and joy I realized, for I was born again!
My husband was told of Christian Science by a friend whose wife had been healed. After being told by the M. D.'s that I could not live longer than a year, he earnestly and continuously pleaded with me to try Christian Science. I would not accept it, however, until I had about reached the limit of time placed on my mortal existence by the M. D.'s I was growing more despondent each day, and suffering intensely all the time. Finally I said, "I will try Christian Science; if it doesn't do me any good, it won't do me any harm." The first treatment was sufficient evidence to me that Christian Science was the Truth that gives liberty; and with the second treatment I was enabled to see that Christ is still doing his work to-day, even as he did over eighteen hundred years ago, by healing the sick and casting out evil. I knew then, as I had never known before, that God is ever-present and omnipotent; that there is no other power or presence, since He is All-in-all.
What a song of rejoicing wells up from our hearts in praise and gratitude to God for the glorious spiritual uplifting from despair into the understanding that God is, ever has been, and ever will be All-in-all, and that we as His children, made in His image and likeness, reflect Him.