Our little son, then three years old, was taken one morning with vomiting and fever, which soon grew worse, and in" a few hours he became unconscious.
I wrote to our teacher and healer that morning, and mentioned the case, but did not ask for special treatment, as I thought I could make the demonstration myself, having been successful twice before when he had been taken in much the same way. But this time he grew worse very fast, so that by the afternoon mail I was glad to write for help. The healer received the letter that evening. By that time the child was manifesting' every symptom of typhoid fever. He seemed to be in great distress, fever very high and bowels moving continually. He continued to grow worse, and by midnight my husband and I were almost frantic with fear, for we knew that unless he was soon relieved he could not last long. Our fear seemed greater because a little daughter had passed on a few years before under a physician's care. My husband then left me alone and drove to the healers house, hardly expecting to see the child alive when he returned, but we thank God that relief did come then, and we felt that our child was snatched from death's door. The morning of the fourth day the fever was broken entirely, and he sat up part of the day, but he had been passing blood from the bowels, and as this grew worse fear soon brought back the fever and he had a relapse. My husband went again that night to the healer's home, and that thought was met immediately and the child rested well the remainder of the night. The next day he had no fever whatever, sat up all day, and was not willing to lie down even for a half hour. After that he played out of doors as usual. We are thankful not only for the physical blessings, but also for our better understanding of God and the Bible, and the way to overcome error. Though we have much to overcome yet, we have courage, knowing that we have a sure way that we did not know before.
West Hurley, N. Y.