The learned prince of Granada, heir to the Spanish throne, imprisoned by order of the crown for fear he should aspire to the throne, was kept in solitary confinement in the old prison at the Place of Skulls in Madrid. After thirty-three years in this living tomb death came to his release, and the following remarkable researches, taken from the Bible and marked with an old nail on the rough walls of the cell, told how the brain sought employment through the weary hours.
The 26th chapter of the Acts of the Apostles is the finest chapter to read.
The most beautiful chapter is the 23rd Psalm.
The four most inspiring promises are John, 14:2; John, 6:37; Matthew, II; 28; Psalm 37: 4.
The first verse of the fifteenth chapter of Isaiah is the one for the new convert.
All who flatter themselves with vain boastings should read the sixth chapter of Matthew.
All humanity should learn the sixth chapter of St. Luke, from the twentieth verse to its ending.