As announced in the Sentinel of December 21, 1899, the annual term of the Massachusetts Metaphysical College which would regularly have convened on the first Monday of January last, was postponed until the Wednesday following the second Tuesday of June, 1900 (June 13). It was also announced that the applications for the examination then on file would be retained, but others would not be received until further notice.
Since that time a By-law has been passed, but not heretofore published, limiting the number of applicants that can be received for examination by the Board of Education, acting under the auspices of the College, to thirty-three. Not more than twenty-one of this number can be authorized to teach; and, as heretofore mentioned, only those who intend to teach are eligible to examination by the Board of Education.
It is now announced that the applications heretofore received for the examination of January, 1900, will be retained and considered, and applications from any who did not formerly apply will be received up to May 1; then those whose names are selected and placed on the list for examination, not exceeding thirty-three, will be duly notified thereof. Those not receiving such notice, of course, will not appear for the examination.