I desire to acknowledge the many benefits derived from the study of Christian Science. It is to me a practical religion; one to be carried into a man's business as well as into the church and home.
It is interesting to know why people take up the study of Christian Science. I had been attending the services for some time but no real interest was awakened until chills and fever attacked me. On the occasion of a previous attack I had been under a doctor's care for over a year; this yielded to Science in two treatments and there has been no return. Among other troubles from which I have been freed are chronic dyspepsia and throat trouble.
Though the physical benefits have been great they are not to be compared with the spiritual, the clearer understanding of the Bible, and the love and harmony brought into the whole family life.
I should like to conclude with an expression of love and gratitude to Mrs. Eddy for this revelation.
Jacksonville, Fla.