Roll ye away the stone
For lo! the day is breaking.
Let in the morning light,
For earth to Life is waking.
Unbind the mortal form,
And burst death's bands asunder;
Immortal thought is born.
Roll back, ye clouds of thunder.
Reveal the risen Lord,
The unbound child of glory;
Man's triumph o'er the tomb,
Haste ye! and tell the story,
Man's victory over sin.
Through Truth's wide open portal
Appears the form divine,
Life, Love, and Truth immortal.
In love's fair garden bower,
Commune ye, with thy Saviour.
The ascended thought of Life,
Hath changed dark earth's behavior
And let the glory in;
The immortal light and splendor.
All radiant from the tomb,
Christ, Truth, so fair and tender.
Ascend ye with thy Lord
To mountain heights of glory;
Where thought, transfigured stands,
Waiting, to tell the story
Of Truth's redeeming power;
Of Love's sweet grace and blessing,
Hearts wooed from earth away,
To Life's clear stream are pressing.