List! "Sleep on now and take your rest"—
Anew the voice divine
Rings out athwart pretended zest
That suffers love's decline.
Shall the betrayer's faithless kiss
Find echo in my part?
Christ leads, and none the path can miss,
Except the cold of heart.
"Arise, let us go hence!" —Afar
From unreal sense of ease,
To where shines duty like a star
O'er error's stormy seas.
He thrice denies our Lord who thinks
No cross for Truth to bear,
No Life reflects in health, and shrinks
From Love's work, watchful prayer.
Contributions to the Building Fund of the Mother Church should be collected by Branch Churches and Societies and forwarded by them to the Treasurer, who will receipt to the churches and societies for amounts sent. Each Branch Church and Society should keep a list of its own contributors. When not convenient or desirable to send as above, individual contributions may be sent direct to the Treasurer.
Box 56, Fall River, Mass.