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From the April 1902 issue of The Christian Science Journal

From various pulpits and in the press we are being told that Christian Science—the religion in which God is the only healer—is wrong; that it is a mistake to take Bible promises too seriously; that it is folly to draw practical conclusions from the premise of God's allness: that Christ does not heal any more except through drugs and surgery, and so forth.

Physicians of every school, in all kinds of practice, are continually finding themselves up against a stone wall, so to speak, which they cannot get over, or through, or around and confess themselves helpless, if they are honest, and the majority of them are. They have reached the point where no medicinal, surgical, or other human aid can avail. What then? To whom shall appeal be made when man has failed, and God has been set aside?

A short time ago the question was asked, What would life be like now without Christian Science? The thought was startling,—life without Christian Science! And straightway there rose up before me a vision of what life had been without Christian Science. Thought traveled backward fifteen years or more, when the shadow of disease lay heavy upon me, blotting out the gladness and bright prospects that should belong to youth; my well-loved books and studies were laid aside, cherished plans ruthlessly destroyed, and so, for ten long, weary, restless, longing years that dark shadow never lifted. Materia medica did what it could, in vain. Every available human remedy that offered hope was tried, in vain, Years of praying to God had brought no tangible result. None but myself has ever known how bitter were the disappointments and mental anguish of those years. But God answered my prayer; quietly and gently as a summer shower Christian Science came into my life, watering the dried roots of hope to bud and blossom. Gradually the shadow lightened, the burdens lifted, and the chill of the long night went out before the warmth of dawning Love. The vision had changed. What need to ask such a one what life would be like without Christian Science? Dear God of mercy, who would lift the cold hand of law, or of theological proscription, to blot out this changed vision, or withhold from other darkened lives the blessed touch of God's Christ in Christian Science?

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