My wife had suffered for about a year from a bad eruption on the left limb, reaching from the ankle to the knee. Various remedies were applied, but they failed to bring relief. In 1903 a malignant eruption appeared on her face and hands. The physician whom we consulted checked this trouble, but the other became much worse. My attention was then called to Christian Science by my son in Hannover, and my wife applied to a practitioner in Breslau. After a few treatments her condition improved perceptibly, and later on the healing was complete.
In 1904 I was stricken with a severe illness, and had malignant abscesses on the body, which caused much pain. I asked the same practitioner for treatment, which she gave me immediately, and after a short time the pain grew less, the abscesses were healed. After several weeks' treatment the disease disappeared. Both my wife and I gratefully acknowledge the relief that Christian Science has brought us from our diseases, yet more so for the blessing which it has brought us spiritually. How grateful we ought to be to our Leader, Mrs. Eddy, to whom we are indebted for Christian Science. I always look forward with joy to the arrival of our German periodical, Der Herold. I intend to begin the study of Science and Health also, so as to gain a better understanding of Christian Science.—Wohlau, Germany.