It is over six years since I became interested in Christian Science, and it is impossible for me to tell of all the benefits received since I came into this understanding of Truth. I had never heard of Christian Science until a dear friend asked why I did not try it. I was said to have a clot on the brain, from which I was suffering untold agonies, and through this suffering it was feared that I would lose my mind; but when Christian Science was presented to me, I asked for treatment at once, and was healed in three weeks. Besides the first-mentioned ill, I had heart trouble of twenty-one years' standing, also rheumatism and neuralgia, and I could eat nothing without being in great pain. After the practitioner told me that God had given man dominion over everything, I went home and ate naturally, and never from that day to this have I experienced any discomfort. I was also healed of other troubles.
Before coming into Science, my youngest daughter, then nine years of age, was told by an oculist that she was going to lose her sight, that cataracts were growing over both eyes. In the mean time, I was healed in Science, but not thinking that it could heal her, we kept on using material remedies, and when I again took her to the oculist, he said she was no better. Then I was awakened. I knew that if God could heal me, He certainly could heal her, and I went back home rejoicing, knowing positively that she could be healed. I used to get up at four o'clock and devote two hours to the study of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, knowing that the truth was in this book, and that if I was faithful my daughter would be healed. This I never doubted, and she was healed, though she never was treated for her eyes; the healing came from the reading of the above-mentioned book. After she had been reading faithfully for six months, I took her back to the same oculist to have her eyes examined, and he pronounced her healed. That was over six years ago, and since that time she has not had the slightest return of the trouble. She is perfectly healed.
My husband also was healed of cataracts over the eyes. He was examined by two oculists, and they told him he would have to wait from two to five years before they could be removed. In the mean time he would have to be totally blind. Instead, Christian Science came to the rescue, and he was healed in twenty weeks. Words are inadequate to express his feeling of gratitude at that time, which was over five years ago, and his eyes have been normal ever since. My son was healed of poisoning in two weeks, also of a bad sprain in three days.