By law from Sinai's clouded steep
A toiling world was blest;
And still the listening nations keep
The day of sacred rest.
Renewed to peace and power and joy,
Man's soul is free this day;
Nor task nor care our minds employ;
We need but love and pray.
Let wheel and anvil silent stand,
Leave furrow, field, and mart,
Give rest to weary head and hand,
And lift to heaven the heart.
Be life upborne by light and love
As tides enlarge the sea:
Let grief and sin see God above
And all men brothers be.
Man may not live by bread alone,
Him angel hands sustain;
But gifts from heaven are not our own
Till God within us reign.
So on this holy day of days,
With free, fraternal mind.
We bring thee, Lord, our hymn of praise
And leave the world behind.