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From the April 1910 issue of The Christian Science Journal

THE one all-absorbing statement in history, that the gift of spiritual healing was at a certain period lost to mankind, gives its restoration among us today all the more significance. Our historians of the past have not interested themselves overmuch with this particular subject, hence the writer of the future will have a story all the more absorbing to relate. To this end Christian Science is unlocking the treasure-house where Truth keeps her costliest jewels, and is giving out, with a generous hand, something to meet the needs of all. When the effects of Jesus ministry began to wane during the first and second centuries, myriads of superstitions, church forms and dogmas, and even witchcraft, were thrust anew upon the people. What a period of history must this have been in which to sow the tares and thistles of unrest!

Modern theology has seen fit to call religious history's authenticated instances of healing, or of raising the dead, miracles; Christian Science discards the term and affirms that it was but a recognition of divine law by those who had attained to a high degree of spiritual understanding. Have not the exact workings of God's laws always seemed marvelous to man? Did not the plebeian onlooker call Jesus works wonderful? And yet, think you the Master ever called the masses together to witness miracles?

At the time of the reign of Constantine. the resort to meaningless ceremonies to perpetuate the apostolic work was widely prevalent. Unwittingly the people lost themselves in adoration of their favorite emperor — a sort of blind hero-worship — and so became less in touch with the true worship of an all-wise Father who had so many times delivered them from the dangers of plague and famine. Old superstitions were revived fourfold, and became thrice potent with error among a primitive and well-disposed people.

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