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Testimonies of Healing

[Translated from the German]

It is with a feeling of deepest gratitude for the blessings...

From the May 1911 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is with a feeling of deepest gratitude for the blessings which have come to me through Christian Science that I wish to tell of my experiences. For mouths I suffered from melancholy and nervous exhaustion, and did not care to do anything, since whatever I started to do seemed a heavy task. I found no rest at night, and was unable to sleep. At times these attacks were very severe, and I was so exhausted that I was hardly able to manage my business. My dear family had much to suffer from this condition; I was not even kind to them.

About a year ago I heard of the benign influence of Christian Science and of God's great love and goodness, through kind neighbors, who are Christian Scientists. They asked me to attend a service with them, which I gladly did. It became clear to me that God is Love, that He sends good only, whereas I had imagined my illness to be a punishment from Him. I attended the beautiful services regularly, and there heard only good and true things, which comforted me. I read the Bible, with the Herald and other Christian Science literature, and soon was shown where my great mistake lay. I learned to pray with the mind of a child. One week had hardly gone by when, after retiring for sleep and thanking my heavenly Father for all the good which He had done unto me during the day, I could sleep quietly till morning. Then I would say my morning prayer, and attend to my business with the comforting thought that God would be my help and guide. I performed my work with joy and pleasure, and decided to do only that which is good and right. The sense of great fear, the evil thoughts, and the mania of being persecuted, all disappeared.

My dear family and myself are thankful to God with all our heart; also to the revered Founder of Christian Science, Mrs. Eddy. I am happy in having found the way to Christian Science, by which I am experiencing great blessings, physically, spiritually, and also in a business way. I hope to attain to a higher understanding of the truth, and wish that all mankind might become acquainted with the teachings of Christian Science and be blessed thereby.

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