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Testimonies of Healing

Five years ago, while employed as a clerk in a wholesale...

From the May 1911 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Five years ago, while employed as a clerk in a wholesale drug house, I was stricken with temporary paralysis of the right arm. Naturally, I turned to materia medica, for aid, but after trying the best physicians and nerve specialists I did not improve. After a long rest from work I gained considerably in weight, and felt that, as my general physical condition was improved. I would be able to resume my former occupation. I tried it for a while, but was soon compelled to seek outdoor work, to prevent my arm from becoming permanently helpless. After two years of outside work, during which I had many alarming returns of my old trouble, I turned to Christian Science. At that time my knowledge of it was so slight that I did not think of applying it to my physical ailment, and thought only of the knowledge of God and the spiritual regeneration it promised; but after studying the text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, for about six months, to my great surprise and joy I found that my healing was complete. My healing was accomplished through the study of Science and Health, without taking any treatments. I have since made inquiry in the medical field, and am told by physicians that they have no knowledge of a similar cure in medicine, my case being a very severe one.

To say that I am grateful is a mild expression. I am trying to show my gratitude by living in accordance with the teachings of Christian Science.


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