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Testimonies of Healing

It is with gratitude that I send a testimony of my healing...

From the May 1911 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is with gratitude that I send a testimony of my healing in Christian Science. When I was a child my eyes gave me a great deal of trouble, and I was taken to the best physicians in Detroit, and glasses were fitted to my eyes. These I wore for several years, but about ten or twelve years later I had trouble again, as I had been using my eyes for close work, and at that time the doctors told me that unless I stopped I would be blind. For some time I was unable to go out in the daylight, and at night only with dark glasses; but for a few years following I seemed better. Later on a growth in the corner of one eye was removed by an eye specialist: but in a short time another came, and they kept coming. The specialists said they did not know what caused them, and that the only way to do was to remove them. My eyes would seem better for a while after having the growths removed, but they were always weak. Finally an abscess formed on the lid of my right eye, and for one month I suffered greatly. Two doctors attended the operation, but another abscess followed this one, and afterward my eyes were in such a condition that I could not read, write, or look at anything bright. Besides this, after my eyes had been operated upon, a large scar was left which the doctors said would last my lifetime. This was very disheartening, as I had planned on doing a good deal of public platform work.

At this time Christian Science was brought to my notice by a friend, who told me of some cures that she had heard of. I knew nothing at all of Christian Science, but decided to give it a trial. I looked in a Journal and found the name of a practitioner. I went to see her, and told her that I did not believe in Christian Science, nor did I know anything about it, but I was willing to do anything to be healed. After talking to me a while, she gave me a treatment, and when I left her home I felt as if a great load had been lifted from my shoulders. She gave me some literature to read and told me to leave my glasses off. I went home and read, a thing which I had not done for a long time, and when my husband came home he found me absolutely healed. My healing was accomplished in that one treatment, through the practitioner's clear understanding of the truth and with the beautiful thoughts she gave me to hold.

I took only two treatments for my various ailments. By reading and studying Science and Health I was cured of nervousness, said to have been brought on by my eyes, enlarged glands in my neck that were very painful, and of an eruption on my face of many years' standing that all the doctors had failed even to relieve. Words are inadequate to express my gratitude to God for this new life, for I cannot begin to tell how grateful I am to God, and to our beloved Leader, Mrs. Eddy, for finding this healing truth again.

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