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Testimonies of Healing

In thankfulness to God, and with...

From the July 1913 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In thankfulness to God, and with gratitude to Mrs. Eddy, I send my testimony of healing, hoping it may encourage and help others. In December, 1908, a small growth appeared on my right breast, which was pronounced malignant by a number of physicians, all of whom advised me to have it removed at once. I had already undergone three surgical operations and had a great horror of the knife, so I determined to let it alone. Some of my ancestors having passed out with the same disease, I supposed it was hereditary, and so tried to be resigned to my fate.

I continued my work until the next March, when the condition became so severe that I was forced to give up, for I lost the use of my right arm and the spot bled almost constantly. In this condition I was rushed to a hospital, where the entire breast was removed; but in less than two months from the date of the operation the conditions were worse than before it had taken place, and the attending physicians told me frankly that there was no hope.

I was so utterly discouraged that I thought I would welcome death as my only escape from physical torture. I was examined by fourteen physicians, all of whom pronounced the death sentence upon me, and told me that when the disease reached a certain blood-vessel the result would be fatal. They did not think I would survive the summer, so I wrote to my friends, apprising them of this condition, and they came after me. It was through their visit to Charleston that I was introduced to Christian Science. I scorned it at first, but I wanted to give my grandmother the consolation of knowing I had left nothing undone, so I decided to try it. I said to the lady who had introduced Christian Science to me, "If God can heal me of this disease, will He not give me strength to raise my right arm and comb my hair?" She assured me that He would if I would trust Him. I breathed a little prayer and arose, saying that in God's strength I would do this, and I combed my hair and experienced no pain. (I had not raised my right arm as high as my shoulder or dressed myself for four months.) I then called on a Christian Science practitioner, who kindly took up the case, and in two weeks' treatment I was perfectly healed, and there has been no return of the dreadful illusion.

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