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Testimonies of Healing

When the light has come and we...

From the July 1913 issue of The Christian Science Journal

When the light has come and we no more sit in darkness, we should let it so shine that men may know of one more instance in which spiritual healing for both mind and body has been experienced. Some six years ago I was in darkness, knowing not that the kingdom of God was at hand, but praying that such might be the case, and that some sign of it would be given me. Any one who has suffered from tubercular disease knows that the mental depression largely overshadows the physical suffering, and one is seemingly in "chaos and old night;" but my prayer was answered, as are all right desires, and the healing came. No less than nine doctors of various schools had given their opinion on the case, and one operated three times in a minor way, but none of them could overcome the conditions, though some tried faithfully and patiently to do what they could, and for this they have their reward.

About this time a friend, who had been in Boston for Christian Science study, stopped at the house for a few hours' visit on her return home to Texas, and through her understanding the conditions were cleared up as the sun dissolves the mist. The healing came quickly, but at times it has taken many a struggle to overcome fear and morbidness. There have been midnight vigils spent in prayer and in holding fast to the goodness and allness of God. When there seemed a stone wall and no way through it, the "book of life" always showed the way out, and calmed all doubts and fears, bringing that perfect peace which passeth mortal knowledge. Never in the six intervening years has Truth failed in the overcoming of any discordant condition through divine Science, and "all sorts and conditions" of errors have tried to present themselves.

When reading of the wonders which are being worked out in the world about us, we marvel; but the greatest achievement pales beside that wonder of wonders, the restoration of divine Science to the consciousness of mankind, wrought through the faithfulness and spirituality of one lone woman. To Mrs. Eddy we owe much, and to God all. May these words be a help to some who are struggling against mortal sense, and encourage them to keep to the way of divine Science, where they are sure to win the promises to the faithful.—

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