Never judge nor condemn, never arraign nor censure. Not a word! Never an unclean or unkind expression. Never a doubt or a fear. Never a disparaging remark of another. As you would others should do to the world, so do ye. Pause! Be still! Not a word, emphatically, not even a look, that will mar the sweet serenity of soul. Know God. Keep silence before Him. Not a word of murmuring or complaining in supplication; not a word of nagging or persuading. Let language be simple, gentle, quiet; you utter not a word, but give Him opportunity to speak. Hearken to hear His voice. This is the way to honor and to know Him. Not a word—not the last word. Listen to obey. Words make trouble. Be still. This is the voice of the Spirit. Take no thought for tomorrow,—worry not about home, church, or business cares. Cast all on Him, and not a word. We think so hard, pray so hard, and trust so little.—Attributed to a Quaker.

Never judge nor condemn, never arraign nor censure. Not a word! Never...
From the August 1913 issue of The Christian Science Journal
Attributed to a Quaker