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Testimonies of Healing

I have desired for some time to...

From the April 1918 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I have desired for some time to write an expression of the gratitude I feel for the many blessings that have come to me through a knowledge of the Science of Christianity as taught in our textbook, '"Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy. This book is indeed opening up to me the Scriptures, as it has revealed to me the meaning of many passages in the Bible which before were little more than so many words to me. My experience, which has no doubt been that of other Christian Scientists, is that the healing process in every instance has followed purification of thought, which includes a scientific knowledge of man's relation to his Maker, not as a far-off, distant Being, subject to wrath and anger, but as an ever present, all-loving God, "the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever." As I have been able to grasp and hold that thought, physical conditions have responded. When there has been a wavering, doubting thought, the healing has been slow; but when the allness of Deity has been declared and strictly adhered to,—in other words, when I have been able to realize fully the words, "Lo, I am with you alway," and to cling steadfastly to that thought,—results have been correspondingly quick and certain.

During my three years' study of Christian Science I have had the joy of seeing the power of God manifested in the healing of chronic bowel trouble of ten years' standing, headaches, and a diseased condition of the eyes which had been with me since childhood. These ills have been overcome by Truth, so that to-day, after years of bondage, I am entirely free from them. I have also seen numerous complaints that have attacked my children give way before the certain knowledge of man's unity with God.

I will never cease to be grateful for the spiritual insight of our beloved Leader and to thank God that she, through a pure life, consecrated to the good of mankind, was able to put this grand truth within the reach of all. My daily prayer is that I may so live and demonstrate this truth that I may become a channel for bringing others into the glorious knowledge of their unity with their Maker. For the good that I have gained through a constant study of the Lesson-Sermons and the reading of our periodicals I am most grateful, and I am attempting to prove my gratitude by daily trying to live up to the high standard set by our Leader.—

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