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Testimonies of Healing

It was about two years ago that I...

From the April 1918 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It was about two years ago that I received my healing through Christian Science, by which I was led to believe God's promises and to take Him at His word. From childhood I had been a sufferer, and of late years the heart complaint was so bad that I was practically an invalid, unable to do my work or walk any distance, and confined to bed for long periods of time. Once I spent the greater part of a year in bed, after being in a hospital for two months and being discharged as incurable. Then I got a little better and tried to keep about, but in addition to heart disease I also suffered from nerve trouble and terrible attacks which took from me all power of movement or speech, although I was conscious of everything that was taking place around me. Many times I have heard my husband say, "She is gone," and neighbors have had to come in to my assistance when those attacks have come on.

When Christian Science was first brought to me I had been in bed the greater part of four months. A lady who had been very kind to me in my illness tried to get me into a hospital, but as the doctors pronounced my case incurable they would not have me, so I saw nothing ahead but the prospect of being a bedridden invalid all my life. While in that state a neighbor called and told me that a friend who was a Christian Scientist had said I could be healed as well as anyone else; but I could not see it and made the mistake of thinking it was God's will I should suffer. The next time her friend called, however, she brought him to see me, and I am thankful to say that through his faithful work and searching questions I was enabled to know the truth that makes free. He had been gone scarcely half an hour when I tested and proved the truth of God's promises by walking downstairs. I shall never forget the look of amazement on my daughter's face when she saw me. I could get about the house as fast as one of my girls. I walked miles during the next few weeks, and have walked many miles since then, whereas before I could hardly crawl about.

I have had many demonstrations of Truth's power both for myself and for my children. The last was my little girl's healing of a severe throat trouble. She could scarcely breathe, and I thought one day that she was passing away; but that also was overcome by the power of Truth. My one hope is to grow in grace and knowledge, that I may be able to demonstrate the truth and so help others. —

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