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Testimonies of Healing

With a heart full of gratitude for...

From the April 1918 issue of The Christian Science Journal

With a heart full of gratitude for our dear Leader's untiring love and patience, I write these lines. Christian Science came to me when, to mortal sense, my dear mother was passing from my sight with lung trouble. She was healed in two treatments, and went to work very soon to pay back her debt of gratitude for what had been done for her. I also have a brother who was healed of a tubercular disease of the bone, and later of the effects of cyanide acid poisoning after he had become unconscious. The last named healing was complete in four hours, but it was three years before he was entirely healed of the disease of the bone. During his slow healing I grew very much by reading to him from the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, and have always been truly thankful for it. I have for over twenty years depended on Christian Science for physical healing, and my husband and I both can hardly wait for the coming of our wonderful Journal, Sentinel, and Monitor. We get untold good from all.—

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