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From the April 1924 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is claimed that at no time in human history has the Bible been so widely read as during recent years. Hundreds of thousands of volumes have been sold yearly, all over the world,—a proof, it is believed, that the number of earnest Bible students is steadily increasing. This fact, however, welcome as it is, would not tend to effect the great improvement necessary in the disastrous world-order, or lack of order, were it not that a fundamental change is taking place in the long-accepted interpretation of the sacred writings. Libraries filled to overflowing with commentaries, sermons, and such like works attest the erudite and consecrated study of the Bible down through the centuries. Merely to increase these would not bring in "the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ."

It is sometimes charged to Christian Scientists that they are constant readers, but not students, of the Bible. They refute this statement in the sense in which it is made; and prove their refutation, in another sense. The true Christian Scientist interprets the term "student" as "disciple; a learner, especially a follower who has learned to believe the truth of his teacher." He has become a follower who believes in this teacher, the divine Word, because of having used it under every circumstance and condition in which he has found himself. This he knows has been made possible by the discovery of Christian Science, which includes the spiritual interpretation of the Bible, the interpretation put by Christ Jesus upon the Scriptures which existed in his time,—the absolute Science which he not only taught, but demonstrated by his mighty works. The Christian Scientist knows that this discovery was made by a woman spiritually prepared for Truth's revelation, who, after this profound experience, followed in her Master's footsteps and proved scientifically her statements concerning the spiritual interpretation of the Bible, by doing many of the works that he did, and as he did them. Having proved by demonstration, as Christian Science demands, the divine Principle and logic of her discovery and its power to effect results, Mrs. Eddy gave to the world a clear and complete statement of it in a textbook, now read in all civilized countries and destined to be "for the healing of the nations." This textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," her grateful students know to be unlike any commentary ever written on the Bible, since it fulfills the Scriptures, and is bringing—to use Wycliffe's translation—"Science and helthe" to the people.

Time and space vanish in this spiritual, scientific interpretation. Past, present, and future link together in showing forth the unity and continuity of the divine, eternal purpose and plan. The First Commandment, foreshadowed in Genesis and completely enforced, that is, fulfilled, by Christ Jesus, is again foreshadowed in the Apocalypse, and is finding enforcement, or fulfillment, in Christian Science. The children of Israel are still journeying through the wilderness under a great Leader, in this age a woman, who is crying, as did Moses, "Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord." The "shadow of Egypt" still falls upon them; the rebellious ones still seek the "strength of Pharaoh," just as when Isaiah warned: "Woe to the rebellious children, saith the Lord, that take counsel, but not of me; and that cover with a covering, but not of my spirit, that they may add sin to sin: that walk to go down into Egypt, and have not asked at my mouth; to strengthen themselves in the strength of Pharaoh, and to trust in the shadow of Egypt! Therefore shall the strength of Pharaoh be your shame, and the trust in the shadow of Egypt your confusion."

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