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From the April 1924 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The records of the Hebrew Scriptures have at times been doubted, because sometimes apparently contradictory to ordinary experience. Happily for students of Christian Science, a new interpretation has brought enlightenment which dispels denials of their authenticity. Some lessons may be gathered by considering one particular situation, which has taxed the credulity of many people, or has been accepted with blind faith; namely, the passage of the children of Israel through the Red Sea on their way to the promised land of Canaan. Is the account in Exodus to be regarded as an allegory, or as the genuine history of actual experience? This point could be raised only in an attempt to explain such an event according to the testimony of the five physical senses, which do not admit evidence of spiritual power, law, or action outside themselves.

Since the time of the Reformation, in the fifteenth century, translations of the Bible have brought its truths into many lands and homes. With this close contact there has come a growing demand to grasp their inner meaning. Gradually the unfolding inquiry has brought a receptivity to scientific explanation; and in the fullness of time this explanation was imparted in the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy. Starting from the basis that "all scripture is given by inspiration of God," Mrs. Eddy has given the Word an inspired interpretation. For this, those who hungered for Truth have prayed, sought, and waited; and to-day they are proving that Christian Science is indeed the Comforter which is able to lead "into all truth."

The Bible, rightly understood through Christian Science, is found to be the record of the unfolding of God's eternal purpose to bless and save, illumining the accounts of His dealings with His chosen people, as He leads them out of mental darkness and bondage into man's true dominion and proper government by his Maker. In these sacred pages appear evidences of divine action, a higher concept of Deity than other nations possessed, all given so simply and confidently as to engender faith in an overruling Providence. Christian Science interprets these accounts from a spiritual viewpoint, as witnesses to actual spiritual law not generally recognized, and to human progress when men are guided by unerring divine Mind. Christian Scientists search the Scriptures to learn the law of spiritual activity, rejoicing to trace its operation. In this respect the Hebrew Scriptures are unique.

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