Christian Science came into my life proving that "man's extremity is God's opportunity." After trying doctors, health resorts, hospitals, and material remedies for three years, I was told that another climate was my only hope. On my arrival in San Antonio, Texas, I consulted a noted lung specialist, who confirmed the diagnosis of the other physicians and gave me very little encouragement as to benefits from the climate. I was suffering from tuberculosis of the throat and lungs.
Having been a medical nurse for years before my marriage, I knew from experience that medicine and material remedies could do no more. I was in a hospital alone, away from friends and family, and without hope in God. As I had never been able to prove Him, I had lost faith in Him. Feeling sure I had to die, and soon, I began to wonder about the great beyond and, if there were such a place, whether or not I was prepared for it. Then I began to pray in the way I had been taught to do when a child. The next day my prayers were answered. Some Christian Science literature fell into my hands, and after glancing over a few lines I read it eagerly. I knew I had found what I wanted. I asked help of a Christian Science practitioner, and was healed of a spot in my throat which had never ceased to trouble me for three years. The fever all left during my first interview with the practitioner.
I know now that I had an instantaneous healing, but I remained under treatment for a week. This occurred over five years ago. There has never been the slightest return of the old trouble. Since then I have had many proofs of God's love and care, and have been able to prove that this beautiful Science, which Mrs. Eddy gave to the world, is applicable to every human need.