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Testimonies of Healing

I am most grateful for the real understanding...

From the March 1925 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I am most grateful for the real understanding of Love that is being unfolded in my daily life, for glimpses of the Love which Christ Jesus knew and reflected in all his works. Christian Science frees us from wrong desires and false appetites: I was healed of the morphine habit of twelve years' duration. The doctors said I could not live without this opiate. Under Christian Science treatment, the disease I was using the drug for and the desire for the drug vanished. I was also healed of cancer; and this healing to me is most wonderful.

I have had financial troubles to meet, and the way, to mortal sense, has seemed very dark; but when the searchlight of Love was turned on, I could see that God was my supply; and my needs have all been met. The God that Christian Science reveals is the God of love, who does not condemn, but heals, and who causes His sun to shine on the just and unjust. Through the study of Christian Science I have learned not to outline for myself, for God plans nothing but good for His children, and when we are really seeking good, God gives us our heart's desire.

I am very grateful for my health, for I had never been well. My husband being a physician, I had always had the best medical attention. The spiritual understanding of the Bible I have received is beautiful and most wonderful to me; for now I know that God did not send sickness upon me, but healed me and taught me that "earth has no sorrow that Love cannot cure."

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