WHEN Mrs. Eddy placed in our Church Manual (p. 77) the Bylaw entitled "God's Requirement," she presented that which is tremendously important and comprehensive in its far-reaching nature. This Bylaw reads, "God requires wisdom, economy, and brotherly love to characterize all the proceedings of the members of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist."
It does not take great depth of thought to discern that if all the acts or proceedings of all the members of The Mother Church were characterized by "wisdom, economy, and brotherly love," there would be little, if anything, left to be desired in the perfection of the conduct of the members. The world would certainly be speedily won by the very attractiveness of their example. With these divine qualities exemplified, such wonderful lives would result that all men would come running to find how to "go, and do ... likewise." Such Christian Scientists would indeed be what our Leader denominates, in "Miscellaneous Writings" (p, 316), as "paragons of Christianity, patterns of humility, wisdom, and might for the world."
Now wisdom and brotherly love have been much thought and talked and written about, and they are subjects always worthy of deepest attention. They will undoubtedly continue to be considered throughout all time; indeed, eternity itself will never exhaust their limitless possibilities for good, and men will always be finding out more of their wonder, their beauty, their perfection, their desirability.