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Testimonies of Healing

Several years ago I sustained a...

From the November 1926 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Several years ago I sustained a compound fracture of my right ankle. There must have been a moment of unconsciousness; but as soon as I was conscious I said aloud three times, "God is All," and seemed to feel the circulation of the blood returning to my foot again. I was taken to a hospital. After I had been on the operating table for some time the verdict was that the foot must be taken off; but the surgeon decided to wait a few days. From the first I was under Christian Science treatment, and after two weeks a cast was put on. While three surgeons stood at my bedside, one said, "What sent the circulation back into that foot I do not know." After the cast was put on another surgeon came to me and said, "You might as well know that your foot is going to be shorter, and that you will be terribly lame." The healing took several months, but every so-called material law was overcome with the help of Christian Science. My foot is not shorter, and I am not lame.

I cannot be too grateful to her who stood alone and said, "All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All-in-all" (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, p. 468). I wish also to express gratitude for the practitioner who worked so faithfully; for our periodicals, so full of help at all times; for the privilege of being a Reader; for ten days at the beautiful sanatorium in Chestnut Hill; and for countless other blessings.—

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