Life, Truth, and Love—O wondrous words!
The synonyms of God!
The great Jehovah now is known—
Not One exalted on a throne,
But Life, that is our life indeed,
And Truth, by which mankind is freed,
And Love, that meets our every need.
Life, Truth, and Love—O wondrous words!
Our Father-Mother God!
(So came the revelation clear,
To one whom multitudes revere.)
Life, Truth, and Love! What need we more?
In these we find the open door
To health and hope forevermore.
Life, Truth, and Love—O wondrous words!
The Trinity complete!
The truth from mortals long concealed,
The Principle divine revealed.
This truth shall down the ages run—
Life, Love, and Truth combine as One
In Father, Comforter, and Son.