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Testimonies of Healing

About twelve years ago I became...

From the December 1926 issue of The Christian Science Journal

About twelve years ago I became interested in Christian Science, not for physical healing, but out of curiosity. I had heard it and Mrs. Eddy ridiculed and condemned so often from church pulpits that I began to wonder what its teachings were, not thinking it would mean anything to me, as years ago I had given up all belief in religion, God included. I had not studied long before I realized that the truth about God and His creation was being revealed to me.

Many physical healings have come to me during these years, and temperamental discords have also been corrected, such as bad temper, jealousy, envy, and sarcasm in its worst form. I have been healed of constipation, of neuralgia of the face which was so severe at times that after an attack my mouth would be drawn, of lumbago which incapacitated me for days at a time, of sick headaches, spinal trouble, and other physical disorders. It has also met financial difficulties, and overcome fear and loneliness.

For all these healings I am indeed grateful, but that for which I am most grateful is the understanding I am gaining of God. I am learning that He is not a magnified mortal sitting on a throne somewhere; that He is not a God who sends sickness, disaster, and death; but that He is divine Love, our Father-Mother; that we are His children, always guided, protected, and supplied by Him, and that we become aware of this when we obey His laws, given us in the Bible and elucidated by Mrs. Eddy in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" and her other writings.

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