Oh, the angels of His presence!
How they cheer us in the gloom!
How they raise us out of dullness
And reveal to us the fullness
Of His love! Make "radiant room"POEMS, by Mary Baker Eddy, page 75
For the angels of His presence!
How the angels of His presence
Hovered o'er the waiting earth,
Bringing peace and joy and gladness,
Banishing all fear and sadness,
At the blessed Christ-child's birth—
Holy angels of His presence!
How the angels of His presence
Guide us when our footsteps stray;
Show us all the joy and beauty
Lying in the path of duty;
Keep us in the holy way,
Blessed angels of His presence!
Loving angels of His presence
Teach us Christ is ever near;
That, while Christmas chimes are pealing,
Th' ever present Christ is healing
As the truth dawns, full and clear,
Through the angels of His presence.