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Testimonies of Healing

It was in the year 1892 that we...

From the May 1926 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It was in the year 1892 that we first heard of and became interested in Christian Science, and since that time we have had many proofs that Christian Science is true, that it does heal sickness and sin and sorrow and help to supply all good.

From a very small child I was taught by a loving Christian mother to go to God for everything, and that nothing was impossible to Him. With this mother I would pray to God to show us the way —to lead us to Truth, to give us strength to work for Him. As a child this made a great impression upon me, and as I grew into young womanhood I would ponder the sayings of Jesus and would often ask my mother why the sick could not be healed by prayer as in Jesus' time. She would reply that nothing was impossible to God, and that if we had the faith it would be done.

When I had grown up and was ill, a lady said to me, "Don't you know that God did not make you sick and you don't have to be sick?" She looked so happy I thought she was making fun of me, and that she thought I was not sick; and so I told her very plainly that I knew I was sick. She gave me the name and address of some one whom she wished I would go to see. She seemed so earnest about it that in a few days I did go and call on this lady, who proved to be a Christian Science practitioner. Her sweet smile won my confidence at once, and oh, that talk! I shall never forget it! I saw that Christian Science was what I had been looking for all my life; for it told of the God of love, the God Jesus knew, the God who healed. She gave me a copy of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy and told me if I wished to do so I could buy the book; but after reading it, if I was not interested in it, I could return it. I took it home and mother and I were so much interested in it that needless to say we bought it and still prize that old copy of our textbook, although we have had several new copies since that time. God answered our prayers in sending to us that blessed "Key to the Scriptures."

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