When I think of all the good that has come to me through the study and application of Christian Science, I hardly know where to begin in enumerating my blessings. When Christian Science was first presented to me, I certainly seemed to need it, for besides never having been strong or in good health, I also suffered severely from faults of disposition, extreme shyness and sensitiveness, nervousness and fear. I began reading the Christian Science textbook, ''Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, in 1904 after meeting some Christian Scientists in London, England, who I thought manifested so much joy and courage, qualities which I sorely lacked!
I had heard that Christian Science claimed to heal physically, but did not believe it. After about three months' reading of the textbook, however, I realized one day that I was strong and well. Headaches from which I hardly ever was free, colds, a constant feeling of tiredness, frequent bilious attacks, a weak stomach — to my great joy they had all disappeared. Further study of the textbook brought me what I value even more, much spiritual help and a growing consciousness of the allness of God, good. The first thing I somewhat understood of Mrs Eddy's teaching was that God is not responsible for the sorrow and suffering in the world, that He did not send it, and that obedience to His laws delivers men from evil; and this gave me an entirely different outlook on life.
In the years that have followed I have found Christian Science a never failing source of joy and courage, of guidance and protection. It has tided me over many rough places and is daily lifting me to a clearer realization of God's presence and power, helping me to put off the old man — the false beliefs about God and man. I am happy, strong, and well now, and more conscious every day of the great blessing which Mrs. Eddy brought to the world in the discovery of Christian Science. I know that the only way to prove my gratitude is to strive to live what our beloved Leader, Mrs. Eddy, has taught us.— The Hague, Holland.