For more than eight years the fruits of the study of Christian Science have benefited me. Our family were members of evangelical churches, and we lived according to our faith and knowledge of their teaching, but the fear of evil as being more powerful than good and lack of understanding of Christ, Truth, caused us to suffer the effects of these false beliefs.
My brother was the first in our family to have this bondage lifted by Christian Science, and with him I attended the Christian Science services. The Wednesday evening testimonies appealed to me, and especially those given of healings, though I seemed to be in perfect health: the "signs following" were proof to me that this religion is of God.
Christian Science has taught me how to recognize evil, and how to destroy its seeming power through the knowledge of God, good. The Ten Commandments, as given through Moses, and Christ Jesus' Sermon on the Mount give me daily protection and guidance, protection through placing reliance on God.