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From the November 1928 issue of The Christian Science Journal

"Rudimental Divine Science" and "No and Yes," by Mary Baker Eddy, are now published in the Danish, Dutch, French, German, Norwegian, and Swedish languages. Each translation is in one volume, with alternate pages of English and the translation, and is issued in both library and pocket editions, uniform in size with the library and pocket editions of other writings by Mrs. Eddy.

Printed on fine book paper, bound in library buckram, single copy, $1.00; six or more, each 75 cents; pocket edition, bound in fabrikoid, round corners, gilt edges, single copy, $1.50; six or more, each $1.25.

Orders and remittances for these books should be sent to Harry I. Hunt, Publishers' Agent, 107 Falmouth Street, Back Bay Station, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.

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