Christian Science came to me about twelve years ago as an answer to prayer that I might get a better understanding of God, in order to become free from the numerous ills, both physical and otherwise, that seemed to claim me. I had come to the point where all material supports failed me, and I knew there was no other help than God; but I did not know how to obtain God's help. According to medical diagnosis, I was in the last stages of articular rheumatism. The disease had gone to the heart, and I was given only a very short time to live. My nights were sleepless, and at times I felt very weak.
Shortly after this I heard Christian Science very harshly denounced in our town in a series of revival meetings which I had been attending regularly. The criticism seemed so inconsistent with what the evangelist had said prior to this, that it started a feeling of resentment in me; for it seemed entirely to contradict his previous statements that God is omnipotent. I made a vow that if I ever had the opportunity to read Christian Science literature, I would do so, and it could have no power to harm me.
Not long afterwards this opportunity came, as I had come to the home of a Christian Scientist to live. I did not have the least thought that I would ever become a Christian Scientist, nor had I any thought of its healing me; but I did want the chance to read the literature carefully and without prejudice, to find out for myself whether Christian Science was of the devil or of God.