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Testimonies of Healing

I had been in poor health for many...

From the November 1928 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I had been in poor health for many months and had given up hope of recovery, yet had been praying that if Christian Science was of God someone would come and present it to me—and then my mother suggested that she consult a Christian Science practitioner about my case. In order to let God lead, I made reply to my mother's suggestion with these words: "We have a right to try the doctrine and see whether it be of God." A practitioner was interviewed, and treatments were begun at once. The result was a very quick healing; yet my physical healing was not to be compared to the new and larger idea of God, as both Father and Mother, which came to me. I now find that God is indeed a God at hand, and that He is constantly giving His children all good; whereas all that is unlike good is unreal and needs only to be recognized as such, in order to lose its seeming reality and power to harm.

Since that time I have received other healings which have made me very grateful for Christian Science. One was an inflamed callous which came on one of my fingers. This was not met at once; but when it was destroyed I saw the importance of rejecting medical theories, since the manifestation seemed to be the result of having accepted one of these. I came to realize that I was no longer under any law of medicine, but under the law of good, God's law, which is ever present and ever operating, but which, like all rules, must be used through thought in order for one to receive its benefit. Mrs. Eddy tells us in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 569), "He that touches the hem of Christ's robe and masters his mortal beliefs, animality, and hate, rejoices in the proof of healing,—in a sweet and certain sense that God is Love."

I am indeed grateful for this great revelation of Truth; for Christ Jesus, the Way-shower; and for Mrs. Eddy, who was pure enough to discover and again reveal to the world the lost art of Christian healing.

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