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Testimonies of Healing

It seems to me that I must express...

From the November 1928 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It seems to me that I must express my gratitude for what the knowledge of Christian Science has helped me to demonstrate.

Several years ago, when teaching in a town where there were no other Scientists, I got up in the night to go to another room, thinking that I knew the way without a light; instead, I plunged headfirst down the back stairs, landing on my head and left shoulder. By the time the other people in the house got to me I was trying to raise my arm to see if there was anything broken. I then got up and walked back to my bed. Another teacher rooming in the house went with me and asked if there was anything she could do for me. I asked her to take my copy of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy and read to me. When I lay down in bed it seemed to me that my shoulder did not stay in place; so she placed a pillow under it, then read to me for a time, and I went to sleep. The next day being Sunday I decided to stay in bed and read. I also wrote a letter to my mother asking her to treat me. Ordinarily the trains going through the town on Sunday did not take mail; but this time they took this letter and my mother received it the next day. That day I went to my school as usual, and except for the inability to raise my hand to my head, I felt no other bad effects from the fall; and in about ten days I was perfectly healed.

One year while in California I was taken with a severe difficulty in my foot. The first time it occurred I was in bed a week, as I was unable to put my foot to the floor. With the loving help of a practitioner this was overcome, so that I was able to get up the following week. But each month it returned, and I would have to go to bed, although it was not quite so severe. Finally, after returning to my home in Illinois, I was again in bed for the same reason, but this time was able to overcome it myself and went on to my school. Later, when it again returned, although at times it seemed as though I could not take another step, yet with the help of a very dear practitioner I was able to overcome the difficulty. Finally, I took for my watchword the thought that all is well with God's child, and the demonstration was made.

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