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Testimonies of Healing

I first heard of Christian Science...

From the September 1930 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I first heard of Christian Science over two years ago through a dear friend who had received a wonderful healing. He invited me to attend a Wednesday evening testimony meeting. I did so, and from that night my outlook on life changed. After that meeting I felt as one who had cast aside iron chains, and for the first time for over two years I wanted to live. In front of me hung the words "God is Love," and they brought a beautiful sense of calm and hope.

I commenced to study "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, and to read my Bible; and the healings received have been beautiful. I have been healed of nervous disorders, after doctors and specialists had failed to cure me. At one time I feared to go outdoors. I am delighted to say I now drive a motor car.

I was instantaneously healed of the tobacco habit after being an inveterate smoker for twenty years. One of the healings for which I most gratefully thank God and Christian Science is that of the liquor habit. I had been an excessive drinker for fifteen years. I have also been healed of using obscene language; in fact, I have been "born again." I should also like to state that when I was taking all kinds of medicines and foods to put on flesh, my weight was nine stones and a few pounds; now I weigh approximately twelve stones twelve pounds. Recently I was healed of a severe sprain, influenza, and boils.

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